Using PowerShell to fake converting ConfigMgr IPSubnet to IPRange boundaries

Over the years that I have done work ConfigMgr, there was a back and forth on what type of boundaries to use between IPRange and IPSubnet. I have worked in places that were one or the other as well as mixed. Normally, what was used was determined by the suggestion of a Microsoft PFE. Now, I want to convert my IPSubnet boundaries to IPRange boundaries. Continue reading “Using PowerShell to fake converting ConfigMgr IPSubnet to IPRange boundaries”

Linking to ConfigMgr Reports through right click tools

One of the cool things about ConfigMgr is that you can add in your own tools as right click menu items.  There are some really good ones out there.  In my environment, I have some GUI tools I have for boundary and collection creation that are used to enforce naming standards as well as perform additional steps to help eliminate human error.  I recently decided that I would like to leverage this function to open up ConfigMgr reports and pass the parameters from the console to the report. Continue reading “Linking to ConfigMgr Reports through right click tools”